Does being retired affect car insurance?

Adults in Retirement age can be a major change in life. After years on the job, you’re looking forward to relaxation, a slower pace, and new adventures. Part of retirement planning includes determining future monthly expenses and the impact made by retiring from the workplace. Some monthly bills, like those for housing or mobile service, are…

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How often will car insurance companies check my driving record?

An insurance driving record check can happen periodically. What a company sees could help or hinder the cost of your insurance premiums. Knowing the frequency in which car insurance companies check your record and how far back do car insurance companies look will help you figure out how to improve your record. Even if you…

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Does paying off a car loan lower insurance?

You should always be looking for ways to lower car insurance. When you have a car loan and it is finally paid off, you will find that your insurance premiums can be lowered. There are various changes that you can make to your policy. You should also make sure that you still have sufficient protection…

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Is auto insurance paid in advance?

Purchasing an auto insurance policy is necessary for drivers with a car note, and it’s highly recommended for those without. Drivers who own their vehicles outright are required to obtain an insurance policy for their auto, but the policy options they’re given are far less stringent than those required for vehicles owned by a bank…

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How long is my car insurance quote valid for?

Purchasing auto insurance can be a pleasant experience. A nervous driver who was expecting to pay very high rates may be surprised to learn a quoted rate costs much less than anticipated. Yes, auto insurance companies are going to charge accordingly based on the risk involved with covering a client. Fair rates do not automatically…

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If I switch my car insurance, will I get a refund?

Auto insurance consumers were once far more loyal than they are today. It wasn’t uncommon for multiple generations in a family to buy their auto insurance through the same agent. Parents would insure their kids until they became adults and started families of their own and then they would branch off to buy their own…

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Does auto insurance cover drunk driving accidents?

If you’ve been involved in a drunk driving accident, you may be wondering if insurance will cover the damages and medical bills. The answer depends on whether you were the impaired driver and the specifics of your insurance policy. Make sure you have the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Comparing car…

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