Does my car insurance cover riot damage?

When rioting occurs in your location, you may experience damage to your car that you cannot plan for or prevent. It’s crucial that you plan for the unexpected by carrying car insurance that protects against riot-related losses. Purchasing comprehensive coverage from an insurance provider can help you recover easily from these losses. Find out how…

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Does car insurance cover fire damage?

Fire can destroy the most expensive car in a matter of seconds. Since components under the hood cause friction that can build up temperatures, car fires are more common than you might think. A majority of cars that catch fire either on the road or in a driveway will be totaled. The owner is left…

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Does auto insurance cover tire slashing?

When your tires have been slashed, you often need to get this damage repaired quickly so you can resume your normal, day-to-day life. It’s important to remember that your auto insurance may help you recover from this loss by paying for new tires as well as repairing any damage that occurs from the slashed tires….

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Does auto insurance cover arson?

When your car is damaged by arson or other fire-related losses, you may not have the time to plan ahead or adequately protect your vehicle. To protect your financial investment from loss, it’s crucial that you carry adequate insurance coverage before the loss exposure occurs; this adequate coverage includes carrying comprehensive coverage on your policy before…

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Does car insurance cover auto theft?

Imagine parking your car in a safe enough spot on the street. There are plenty of lights around your vehicle and the neighborhood is one you’re familiar with, so there’s no harm or doubt that it will be as protected as it can. You go into the movie theater or attend a concert with ease,…

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